Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Writing exercise

In the morning dragon is looking for materials and his using the crystal ball to learn how to make a blanket. . But Dragon is not good at making blanket and its not quiet right. Next he starts again when he is finish but its strange and its super warm, then he puts his blanket on Kitty’s back, then Kitty is happy because Dragon puts a warm blanket on her back. Next morning K is better because D helps K. Then they goes outside and there playing kite which is fun. Ah ah ah chooo now dragon is sick, I think hes tired.

In the morning dragon is looking for materials and he’s using the crystal ball to learn how to make a blanket. But Dragon is not good at making blankets and its not quite right. Next he starts again but when he is finished but its strange and its super warm. Then he puts his blanket on Kitty’s back, so Kitty is happy because Dragon puts a warm blanket on her back. The next morning she is better because he helps her. Then they go outside and they’re playing with a kite which is fun. Ah ah ah chooo now dragon is sick, and I think hes tired.



he is = he’s 
they are = they’re

quiet – an jing de

homeless – no home
sleepless – no sleep
wireless – no cables / no wires

iron – a hot thing we use to make clothes flat and hot

ironing board 

get in bed < > get out of bed

turn on < > turn off 

Needs more review

sew – “so”
eg. he sews the blanket