Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


you doesn’t you don’t 

I drink the yakult
The yakult is drunk by me

You wake me up
I am woken up by you




Speaking exercise

After MB catches the fly, he happily jumps around the garbage can. Then jumped onto the bed and cuddles teddy. Then MB goes to sleep, following that MB was waken up by the angry and dumb and noisy fly in the garbage bin. MB uses a hammer to bang something flat. Then MB slides the thing which is like a tiny grey mat which is round. MW and scrapper opened the door and stomped in which scared MB and made MB drop the trash bin. Then MB began to use his hand to bring all of the trash into the trash bin.

After MB catches the fly, he happily jumps around the garbage can, then jumped onto the bed and cuddles teddy. Following that MB goes to sleep, and then MB is woken up by the angry, dumb and noisy fly in the garbage bin. MB uses a hammer to bang something flat because he wants to use it as a lid. Then MB slides the thing which is like a tiny grey mat which is round under the bin. MW and scrapper opens the door and stomps in which scares MB and makes MB drop the trash can. Then MB begins to use his hand to bring all of the trash back into the trash can because MW and scrapper are at the door and look very angry!