Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


get – receive / buy / become
have – it’s yours / it’s with you now
eg. I got a new phone yesterday so now I have a new phone.
eg2. I got married last year, so now I have a wife.


80 percentage 80 percent
eg. what percentage is it? it is 80 percent


recently – ree sent lee 

opportunity – lee

personally – lee 

realise – realll eyezz

shows – zz
women’s – zz
it’s – ss 

Speaking exercise

Recently in my work i start to think about how to do storytelling because when I metnion to my manager that I want to do some presentations to some snr manager he just suggest maybe I can do some storytelling stuff so it’s a new word to me and also it caused my interest to it. So i just come across some shows in the podcast app about it. Now I just get a very basic idea of what it is for example it’s telling how to make a very little story before your presentation.

Recently in my work I started / I have started to think about how to do storytelling because when I mentioned to my manager that I want to do some presentations to some snr managers he just suggested maybe I can do some storytelling stuff so it’s a new for me and also it made me interested in it / it piqued my interest. So i just came across some shows in a podcast app about it. Now I just have a very basic idea of what it is. For example it’s telling how to make a very short story before your presentation.