Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Speaking exercise

she comes out and lies that she is finding the sugar and she hides in the bathroom but dragon still find her so she lies she doesn’t feel very well so the grandma dragon tucks she into the bed and the daddy dragon takes the temperature and the mummy dragon makes the cup of hot tea and the dragon takes some pillow for kitty so kitty is guilty because she lies.

she comes out and lies that she is finding the sugar and she hides in the bathroom but dragon still finds her so she lies she doesn’t feel very well so the grandma dragon tucks her into the bed and the daddy dragon takes the temperature and the mummy dragon makes the cup of hot tea and the dragon takes some pillows for kitty so kitty feels guilty because she lies.



she doesn’t know what to do now

barely – almost not
eg. It’s barely Spring
eg2. Kitty can barely hear a thing

ironing board

light switch


he uses the iron to warm up the bed


breathe – “breeth”
breath – “breth”
