Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Writing exercise

but when dragon washes his teeth and his toothpaste all over the mirror, kitty is unhappy and tired to clean the dirty so she goes away. She goes into the magic house. There is the wizard in the house. She greets her. Kitty tells the wizard she wants a potion which can make the dragon clean, so the wizard adds dishcloth, a broom, a dustpan, a soap and some water in a big pot and gives it to kitty. Then he tell her the spell. When kitty goes into her cave she spinkles some potion on dragon’s head.

but when dragon brushes his teeth and his toothpaste is all over the mirror, kitty is unhappy and tired of cleaning the dirt so she goes away. She goes into the magic house and there is the wizard in the house / magic house where there is a wizard. She greets her. Kitty tells the wizard she wants a potion which can make the dragon clean, so the wizard adds dishcloth, a broom, a dustpan, soap and some water in a big pot and gives it to kitty, and then he tells her the spell. When kitty goes into her cave she spinkles some potion on dragon’s head.


I went to a house and there was a wizard there. = I went to a house where there was a wizard.

noise – n
noisy – adj

dirt – n
dirty – adj


sparkle – bling bling

tub – bath

wipe – clean softly
scrub – clean strongly (brush)
polish – clean in circles, around, to make it shiny

grab – to take sth strongly



win – in
wine – eye

in 3 hours it will be 11:30 PM
in 30 minutes it will be 12:00 AM
in 1 minute it will be 12:01 AM
in 1 hour it will be 1 AM