Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

bank safe – the big with all the money at the bank


bi = 2 / billion
tri = 3 / trillion
quad = 4 / quadrillion

get a strike – X
get a spare – /

everyone has their own character 

I got the winning goal / I got the winner

he taps her on the shoulder

push in line / cut the line 


Speaking exercise

MB goes to line up but he’s impatient because there are only 4 cakes left so he tapped the girl’s shoulder and says look! Then the girl turns back and says what?? then MB cut the line so the girl is angry but there was an old lady in front of him so he look at the girl because he was buying the cake and the dog smell the cake too then he woof / barks and MB untied the leesh and the dog runs to the girl who buys the cake and the old lady sees and said come back, so MB can be the 2nd but it’s still a man is in front of him.

MB goes to line up but he’s impatient because there are only 4 cakes left so he taps the girl’s shoulder and says look! Then the girl turns back and says what?? then MB cuts the line so the girl is angry but there is an old lady in front of him so he looks at the girl because she is buying the cake which the dog smells too so he barks and MB unties the leesh and the dog runs to the girl who buys the cake and the old lady sees it and says come back, so MB can be the 2nd in line but there’s still a man is in front of him.