Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


they went flying in unison

abbreveation – MB / USA / ER

hospital gown

projector screen


What do you think? I think…
What does she think? She thinks

What did she think? She thought…
What will she think? She will think…

What would you do…? I would…


the nurse doesn’t believe the temperature is normal so she tries again and sticks it into MB’s mouth but MB’s temperature is normal and he knows that so he sticks the thermometer into a tea cup and the thermometer read top temperature so MB is whizzed off by the nurse to the emergency room (ER).

Speaking exercise

present tense / which / who / following that 

But, the nurse wants to use the elevator which goes up to the ER but the elevator is broken, with tape and one sign over it, so MB, who is sitting in the wheelchair and who Damon thinks is a dumb head, can’t get up to the ER but he can go downstairs to the xray room which is about 2 floors down and which Damon thinks is dumb, so MB is whizzed down the stairs to the xray room with eyes rolling and finally screeches to a halt but this time MB does not fly out in unison with Teddy who is sitting on MB’s lap. MB saw that the XRR does not allow phones, smoking, or teddy bears so MB hides teddy the bear under his gown, and goes into the XRR and the xray shows that MB has a teddy inside him, so the nurse thinks either MB swallowed a teddy bear or a teddybear is living inside him so he is whisked off to another place again.