Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

MB eats the pizza – The pizza is eaten by MB
MB ate the pizza – The pizza was eaten by MB
MB will eat the pizza – The pizza will be eaten by MB

Speaking exercise

present tense
remember “s”
pretty please with sugar and marshmellows and lollipops and biscuits and ice cream on top use passive voice

One of MW’s friends stumbles off the red double decker bus and goes to MB’s house, and then he looks at the doorbell because i think her eyesight is poor, he can’t see the name beside the doorbell buttons so he presses the wrong one, the MB one, not the MW one which is under MB’s button which I have been very forced to do. Following that, MB, watching a TV, stumbles down the stairs and after being hissed at by scrapper, MW’s cat, he opens the door. The little woman stumbles in and staggers straight into MW’s apartment. Then MB sees the electric wheelchair and uses the electric wheelchair to chase scrapper around the lobby and finally scrapper hops / leaps onto the wall and slides down with his claws clawing at the wall.

One of MW’s friends stumbles off the red double decker bus carrying a tray with a teapot, a cup, some sandwiches, and vase with a rose sticking out of the top, and goes to MB’s house, and then she looks at the doorbell because i think her eyesight is poor, she can’t see the name beside the doorbell buttons so she presses the wrong one, the MB one, not the MW one which is under MB’s button which I have been very forced to do. Following that, MB, watching a TV, stumbles down the stairs and after being hissed at by scrapper, MW’s cat, he opens the door. The little woman stumbles in and staggers straight into MW’s apartment which is on the first / ground floor. Then MB sees the electric wheelchair and uses it to chase scrapper around the lobby and finally scrapper hops / leaps onto the wall and slides down with his claws clawing at the wall.