Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


Today I stay at home, play – Today I stay at home and play

I go to school and I learn

I have so many moneys – I have so much money / I have a lot of money


What??? I don’t believe it

line up 
eg. He is lining up to buy a coffee

He cuts a hole in the tent

Speaking exercise

and then / then / after that / next / following that 

and / but / so / because / when


When MB drinks his coffee, he thinks it’s very bad.

When MB drinks his coffee, he thinks it’s very very yuck.

When MB sees the barista making a lot of money, he is thinking about “why does the man have so much money?”

When MB is in the cafe, he thinks about making his own cafe.

MB buys his coffee and he goes to the chair because he wants to try the coffee and he thought the man’s coffee is too big. His coffee is too small, and he feels the coffee is bitter so the coffee is yuck. Then the girl said it’s yummy, and MB’s coffee is empty so MB thinks “why the man has so much money?”. Next he will open a coffee shop. When MB will go out so many people line up, and the rain is heavy so MB runs home to put something into the bucket and I think he will go to open a shop because he wants to have so much money.

MB buys his coffee and he goes to the chair because he wants to try the coffee and he thought the man’s coffee is too big. His coffee is too small, and he feels the coffee is bitter so the coffee is yuck. Then the girl said it’s yummy, and MB’s coffee is empty so he thinks “why does the man have so much money?”. Next he will open a coffee shop. When MB will go out so many people line up, and the rain is heavy so he runs home and he puts something into / in the bucket and I think he will go to open a shop because he wants to have so much money.

He has so much money. Why does he have so much money?
She wants so much money. Why does she have so much money?
You have so much money. Why do you have so much money?