Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

survival mode – can’t fly, can die
creative mode – can fly, can’t die


survive – try not to die / not die
eg. I try to survive when I’m in the jungle

creep – sneak / walk really slowly and quietly
eg. I creep around the house

explode – boom

do you have any idea how much money I spent on this food? 

radio / walkie talkie 

eg. he controls the dinosaur with the controller


It’s very boring and tiring on a plane. We all feel very bored and tired on a plane.

he wants to take a photo

Speaking exercise

which / who / after that / following that / next

After the sun sets, the dinosaur comes and MB wants to take a photo of the dinosaur, however it is not a real dinosaur, it is a fake one, and the director says “cut”. After that, MB is disappointed because he thinks if this dinosaur is a real one he can be in the newspaper.

Then, the director says with the actor he wants to film / record a new movie. The movie’s name is Jurassic Hero and the movie is to shoot the Jurassic dinosaur, and the hero is famous. After that, the controller controls the dinosaur and he makes the dinosaur run really quickly to eat MB. Following that, MB takes a stick and wants to kill the dinosaur but the dinosaur which is red and white eats MB.