Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

he hasn’t a phone – he doesn’t have a phone

I doesn’t have – I don’t have a coffee


so many money so much money / a lot of money 

he will make a coffee to MB – he will make a coffee for MB


He runs to the balcony and he throws a pizza and the pizza boss licks his pizza and he knows the pizza is delicious so the pizza boss is happy and I think he will always buy MB’s pizza.


and then / then / after that / next / following that 


cafe – ka fei guan
eg. MB goes to a cafe to buy a coffee

Can you recommend anything?

I recommend that Shawn does his homework = I think he should do it
Shawn recommends that Jesse can buy these pens

barista – a person who makes coffee in a cafe


chef – “shef

Speaking exercise

and / but / so / because / when / and then / then / after that / next / following that 

Then, the PB wants to see MB’s secret things and the PB and MB go to MB’s house and the PB wants the machine so he gives MB a lot of money and he is super happy. After that MB arrives at a restaurant and MB wants a pizza. MB closed the menu and the chef will make a pizza.

Then, the PB wants to see MB’s secret things so they go to MB’s house. The PB wants the machine so he gives MB a lot of money and he is super happy. After that MB arrives at a restaurant and he wants to order a pizza. He closed the menu and the chef (“shef”) will make a pizza for MB.

MB is outside walking on the street and he is eating a chocolate and the weather is cloudy. Next it will start to rain heavily so MB will run home. A workman comes out to walk and MB hits the workman.