Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


we got a party for her – we arranged a party / made a party for her

i just now go home – I came home just now

I make some cards and give them to my classmates

when teacher come in – when the teacher came in 

she was happier / she was even more happy 


I gave her a drawing

patient (feel OK when you wait) < > impatient (hates waiting) – “im pay shent”

it’s lunchtime

park bench 

accidentally – “ack si dent lee”

topping – something you put on a pizza or ice cream

completely – “kom pleet lee” / totally 

climb – “cl eye m”

Speaking exercise

and / but / so / because / when / who / which 

When it’s his time to buy ice cream but it’s the SA close the window and he goes outside the ice cream truck because it’s lunch time. The SA sit down at a chair and eat lunch. He reads a newspaper and eats a sandwich..MB feel more impaient. He accidentally to open the window a little because he wants to take the strawberry topping but he can’t take it so he open the window completely and climb into the ice cream truck.

When it’s his turn to buy ice cream but it’s the SA closes the window and he goes / gets out of the ice cream truck which is closed because it’s lunch time. The SA sits down at a park bench and eats lunch. He reads a newspaper which he gets out of the ice cream truck and eats a sandwich. MB feels more impatient. He accidentally to opens the window a little which is closed, because he really wants to take the strawberry topping but he can’t take / get / reach it so he opens the window completely and climbs into the ice cream truck.