Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [23]


nephew – boy – my brother or sister’s son – “nef you”
neice – girl – my brother or sister’s daughter – “nees”

reception / signal – xin hao

and then / after that / next / following that

parachute – “para shoot”

life raft 

Speaking exercise

and the man says come on come on because they have a race and the reception is gone, and MB jump over the dog and he saw some balloon and man came out to the upstair and he wants know where is the bridge and the GPS show him. The man fall into the water. Then MB sees him and he look to the bridge and he look to the man and he think ohh I will to help him. He pull the rescue tag and he jump to the water and parachute open and he pulls 3 rescue tag and the life raft came out of the bag and he jump on it. Then he went to help the man and the man said “i think this pound is for you”.

and the man says come on come on because they have a race and the reception is gone, and MB jumps over the dog and he sees some balloons and man goes upstairs and he wants to know where is the bridge is and the GPS shows him. The man falls into the water. Then MB sees him and he looks at the bridge and he looks at the man and he thinks ohh I will to help him. He pulls the rescue tag and he jumps into the water and parachute opens and he pulls 3 rescue icons tag and the life raft comes out of the bag and he jumps on it. Then he goes to help the man and the man says “i think this 5 pounds / this money is for you”.