Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

similar – cha bu duo / xiang
eg. Nona looks similar to her mum
eg2. Jesse looks similar to his brother

recently – zui jin
eg. recently Nona drew a picture of a vase and flowers

Writing exercise

after MB choose an ice cream the SA made it for him and then the SA asked him to pay money but MB didn’t find any money in his pocket so the SA gave the ice cream to the boy because the boy gave the SA some money. MB was very angry.

after MB chose an ice cream the SA made it for him and then the SA asked him to pay money but MB didn’t find any money in his pocket so the SA gave the ice cream to the boy because the boy gave the SA some money. MB was very angry because he thought he was first but the SA didn’t give him the ice cream.


what? – sorry? 

past – guo qu
present – xian zai

5:06 – five oh six

5:45 – five forty five

wallet – qian bao
eg. He goes home and he gets a wallet and goes to the ice cream car

worried / annoyed
eg. MB is very annoyed when he comes back and sees the long line of children.

wait your turn, (go) to the back

he goes to the back of the line

calligraphy – beautiful writing


he must to payhe must pay

he hasn’t any money – he doesn’t have any money

there are some money there is some money

I have a friend who is fat.
My friend, who is from my class, is fat.

I have a pen which is black.
My pen, which is thin, is black.

Speaking exercise

and / but / so / because / when

He run fast to home because he doesn’t have any money so the shop assistant didn’t give him the ice cream. He gets a wallet from the home and run to the ice cream car but he find a long line of children and he push in the line again but the shop assistant said he must wait him turn, to the back and MB is angry again. And then, he goes to the back, behind the brown hair girl.

He runs home very fast / quickly because he doesn’t have any money so the shop assistant who was standing in the ice cream truck, didn’t give him the ice cream. He gets a / his wallet from the home and runs to the ice cream car / truck but he finds a long line of children and he pushes in the line again but the shop assistant says he must wait his turn, “to the back” and MB is angry / annoyed again. And then, he goes to the back, behind the brown haired girl.


wants – wants
pushes – push shez

says – “sez”