Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [8.5]

A film about an autistic father: “I am Sam”


I have just been there for once – I have just been there once

not too much company allow you – not too many companies allow you

I refer to you as “Miss” (active) / you are referred to as “Miss” (passive)


travel for business < > travel for pleasure (holiday)
eg. I’m traveling next week for a holiday / I’m traveling for pleasure

quarantine – ge li
eg. I will quarantine for 2 weeks
eg2. I will need to do quarantine for 2 years
eg3. Quarantine is really horrible

isolate – just to stay home instead of going out because there’s some restrictions
eg. we have to isolate at home

autism (n)
autistic (adj)
eg. she is autistic / she has autism

Writing exercise

Recently I’m reading an interesting book which talks about many different cases of mental sickness. Each mental patient has their unique point of view to the world. And some of them are so smart that they can tell you many deep knowledge of physical theory, and they can explain something by their own understanding of this physical knowledge. The amazing thing is the logic self is consistent for the understanding. I think maybe they are referred as mental patient for the reason that they just over insist one of special point make them diverge from normal logic. That’s why people usually say that genius is on the left and crazy person is on the right.

Recently I’m reading / I have been reading an interesting book which talks about many different cases of mental illness. Each mental illness patient has their own unique point of view of the world. And some of them are so smart that they can tell you a lot of deep knowledge of physics theory / deep physics theory knowledge, and they can explain something by / through / using their own understanding of this physics knowledge. The amazing thing is the logic itself is consistent with their understanding of the world. I think maybe they are referred to as mental illness patients for the reason that they just over insist on one of special / particular / specific point which makes them diverge from normal logic. That’s why people usually say that geniuses are on the left and crazy people are on the right. / it takes a little bit of crazy to make a genius / geniuses are always just a little bit crazy.