Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [6]

Needs more review

conspiracy theory
eg. the pyramids being built by aliens is a conspiracy theory

introverted < > extroverted


some people they work in an MCN

young people they want to …

search sth – where you look
search for sth – the thing you want to find
eg. I search my bag for my keys
eg2. I search online for the word
eg3. I search for the word

I search online for a word / I search a dictionary for a word = I look up the word / Let me look it up online 


they force you to promote a product or a company

it’s a very low salary

the market is saturated / crowded – hong hai
it’s a new market / upcoming market / this market has huge potential – lan hai

retirement fund / superannuation – “soo per ann you ay shen” / pension fund

mortgage fund

unemployment benefits 

health insurance / coverage