Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [4.5]

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3-4 weeks laterin 3-4 weeks

Writing exercise

When I chat with a foreign colleagues. He is a global US director. Maybe he is my boss in another line. My line manager is Chinese digital director but I have another line it’s to report to the global US director. We have some biweekly meeting and the day before yesterday we planned to have this biweekly meeting but maybe he has something trouble so he cannot attend on time and then I cancelled this meeting and I moved to the next time and he apologised again and again but I think this is just a small thing.

When I chatted /chat with a foreign colleagues who/He is a global US director. Maybe he is my boss in another line. My line manager is a / the Chinese digital director but I have another line it’s to report to the global US director. We have some biweekly meeting and The day before yesterday we planned to have a/this biweekly meeting but maybe he had/has a problem so he couldn’t/cannot attend on time. and Then I cancelled this meeting and I moved it to the next time. and He apologised again and again but I think this is just a small mistake/thing / small problem / it was no big deal. 

The story is about three grave robbers tried to help a group of nomadic people to remove the curse, otherwise these people have to die before 35 years old. These three grave robbers found many clues/clews in different ancient tombs, and finally found a bead as a key to remove the curse in one of the ancient tombs. But only need a bead is not enough to remove the curse, they have to bring it to somewhere and destroy it, then the curse could be disappeared. This story is a series story, called ghost in your back. It has four parts, the TV show I’ve watched is the final part—— To break the bead somewhere. I strongly recommend it.

The story is about three grave robbers who tried to help a group of nomadic people to remove the curse, otherwise these people have to die before 35 years old. These three grave robbers found many clues/clews in different ancient tombs, and finally found a bead as a key to remove the curse in one of the ancient tombs. But only having a bead is not enough to remove the curse. They have to bring it to somewhere and destroy it, and then the curse will disappear / will be removed. This story is a series story, called ghost in your back which has four seasons, and the season I’ve watched is the final one / season—— To take the bead somewhere and destroy it. I strongly recommend it.


cancelled – events / plans
deleted – words
removed – physical things / words

strikethrough = this

3-4 weeks laterin 3-4 weeks

Needs more review

to + verb
for + noun
I come here to learn English, to improve my soft skills
I learn English for my life / for my career
I come here for learning.