Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [3.5]


we are prepare for do some revamp – we are preparing for some revamps / we are preparing to do some revamps

each brand they has 100s of stores

to + verb
for + noun
eg. I bought a cake for you
eg2. I bought a cake to give you
eg3. I bought a cake to give you for your birthday

I go to work
I go to Japan
I give it to you
I send it to you

I agree with you
I am with my friend
I am angry with you
I write with my right hand
I saw a house with beautiful decorations

For me, prepositions are hard. They are confusing for me.

there didn’t have any more teststhere is no test recently / there aren’t many tests / there aren’t any more tests 

there are a lot of people < > there are not a lot of people

there aren’t any people
there isn’t any problem

a little
a few


there’s always an exception to the rule 

free / idle – xian de
eg. I’m really free when I don’t have any projects
eg2. I’m quite idle during the day


colleagues – col leegz