Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


COVID – Corona Virus Disease 2019

politics – government / country stuff

Writing exercise

The workmen points to a coffee on the menu and MB sees the coffee has a lot of writing under the drawing of the coffee, but I don’t know what the writing is. But as the WM says so, he makes the coffee. But when MB uses the coffee maker, he turns the wheel on the left of the CM and on top of the pipe that pour out the blubber milk,

The workman points to a coffee on the menu and MB sees the coffee has a lot of writing under the drawing of the coffee, but I don’t know what the writing is. But as the WM says so, he makes the coffee. But when MB uses the coffee maker, he turns the wheel on the left of the CM and on top of the pipe that pours out the milk foam,

Speaking exercise

and the wheel is for creating the pressure but soon the dial on the coffee maker says the pressure is very high and the glass began to crack but still MB don’t know that the wheel is for adding pressure and he turn the wheel again 4 times more. Then the cm pressure gets higher and high and it turns red, and gets redder and redder and higher and higher and the WM and MB brace themselves for the big explosion. And the WM and MB was almost stunned to death and just then the baboon came out and stared at the WM and MB and CK and MB uses one finger …

and the wheel is for creating the pressure but soon the dial on the coffee maker says the pressure is very high and the glass begins to crack but still MB doesn’t know that the wheel is for adding pressure so he turns the wheel again 4 times more. Then the cm pressure gets higher and higher and it turns red, and gets redder and redder and higher and higher and the WM and MB brace themselves for the big explosion. And the WM and MB are almost stunned to death and just then the baboon comes out and stares at the WM and MB and CK and MB uses one finger …