Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


Make long sentences – use 2-3 and / but / so / because / when

Charlie is very tired so he wants to sleep and he will sleep soon. = 2
Charlie had breakfast today but he was still hungry so he had something to eat and it tasted good. = 3

Writing exercise

MB comes out of the box and he looks at the menu, when he sees the menu because ice block, IC sandwich is on the menu too, so he is exciting. He sees the ice cream man is coming back so he still hides in the box which he hides last time. The ICM comes in and he puts the IC barrel in and he sees there is no more chocolate stick so he goes to get some more. MB comes out of the box and made himself an ice cream but when he is going to eat the ice cream the ICM comes in.

MB comes out of the box and he looks at the menu, when he sees the menu because ice blocks, IC sandwiches are on the menu too, so he is excited. He sees the ice cream man is coming back so he still hides in the box which he hides in last time. The ICM comes in and he puts the IC barrel in and he sees there is only 1 chocolate stick left so he goes to get some more. MB comes out of the box and makes himself an ice cream but when he is going to eat the ice cream the ICM comes in.


I am bored
I am tired
I am excited 

Needs more review

refill – to fill something again


I’m flipping the dragon around 

Speaking exercise

The ICM comes in and he sees MB but MB tries to run out so he squirts the ice cream topping on the ICM and the ICM is an ice cream topping monster. MB steps on the window and jumps on the ice cream car’s roof. The ICM goes out to see MB but He can’t see where MB is. Suddenly MB’s ice cream drips /drops on the ICM’s nose so he looks up and he sees MB is up on the car roof and he climbs on the ice cream car’s huge ice cream model. He slips down and lands on the ground. He runs away and the ICM chases him.