Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

accidentally – bu xiao xing de – “ack si dent lee”
eg. Diana accidentally didn’t review her notes

expensive – gui

tag – a little piece of paper

apologise – say sorry
eg. The boy apologises to MB

Speaking exercise

The man says how about the weather and he opens the weather app then MB pulls a tag. Then an umbrella comes out. After that, the man opens the game app and says “how about the game?” and MB pulls a tag and a ping pong ball and 2 things that we can use to play ping pong (2 bats) fell out. Then the 2 people plays ping pong.


We play characters. I’m an orca and a horse, and he’s a monkey.

“Let’s have a proper challenge”

proper – real

challenge – something difficult / competition / race / test

first one to here is the winner, and you get this (5 pounds)


MB can use the umbrella but the man can’t use it
MB uses the umbrella and the man uses it