Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


He scratched Mrs Wicket

pregnant – when a woman has a baby inside her

birdbath – a place where birds can bathe

tie – the thing that Mr Bean wears around his neck

rental – zu fang zi

Speaking exercise

He use a blanket to take her up to the sofa but Mrs Wicket is asleep and scrapper scratches her head, then Mrs Wicket is awake. Then Mr Bean hides under Mrs Wicket’s blanket because he thinks Mrs Wicket will be angry if she finds him. Then she let Mr Bean go out of his house and she throw teddy to his head and finally Mr Bean is homeless.

He uses a blanket to take her up to the sofa but Mrs Wicket is asleep and scrapper scratches her head, then Mrs Wicket is awake. Then Mr Bean hides under Mrs Wicket’s blanket because he thinks Mrs Wicket will be angry if she finds him. Then she lets Mr Bean get out of his house and she throws teddy into his head and finally Mr Bean is homeless.