Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Writing exercise

MB jumps over a dog and then the man is out of the metro. Next he goes out of the station when MB is here they find that girl on the bridge and MB gets out of a crowd of people and then boy fall off from a garbage can and MB maybe will win this race.

MB jumps over a dog and then the man walks out of the metro. Next he goes out of the station when MB is nearby they find that girl on the bridge and MB gets out of a crowd of people and then the man falls off over a garbage can and MB maybe will win this race.

Speaking exercise

Then he dropped into the water then MB dropped into the water and he used the parachute and he drops a life raft into the water and he paddle then he pull the man onto the life raft but the phone is sinking into the water. Then the man gives MB 5 pounds.

Then he drops into the water then MB leaps / dives / jumps into the water and he uses the parachute and he drops a life raft into the water and he paddles then he pulls the man onto the life raft but the phone is sinking into the water. Then the man gives MB 5 pounds.



life raft 


sink < > float 


it will let you surprised – it will make you surprised