Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

eg. turn on the stove with / using his foot

COVID – yi qing

ingredients – food you use to cook with – “in gree dee yents”


automatically – zi dong de

press down on the pizza base

they have no order pizzas customers – they have no customers who want to order pizzas

Charlie has no blanket which is named blackie but he has a blanket which is named green green!

customer – someone who buys something from you
employee – someone who works for you
competitors – 2 people or companies that fight

exhausted = very very tired

Speaking exercise

There is still many order pizzas customers so he’s very very tired so he thinks and he makes a machine who can makes a pizza. So then MB can make many many pizza by the machine. It works by first some dough for the pizza base falls down and then it hits the pizza base and the ingredients falls onto the pizza and it goes into the oven and came out of the oven, and goes into the box and now it’s delivery time. … MB looks at his money – there is so many money but there is still too many customers who want to order pizza but there is still a problem, he have no time to delivery the pizza now.

but there are many customers who want to order pizzas so he’s exhausted so he thinks and he makes a machine which can make a pizza. So then MB can make many many pizzas using / with the machine. It works by first putting some dough for the pizza base falls down and then it pressed down on the pizza base and the ingredients fall onto the pizza and it goes into the oven and comes out of the oven, and goes into the box and now it’s delivery time. … MB looks at his money – there is so much money but there is still too many customers who want to order pizza but there is still a problem, he has no time to deliver the pizza now.