Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


a globe of the earth

I see you
I look at you

camera – a thing you can use to take photos

jump out of the way 

the plane works < > the plane doesn’t work

Needs more review

sweat – han shui

Writing exercise

When MB is finding the part, a blue car hits MB’s car and then drives into the big trash can. And then MB sees a red light which is big. Then he sees again. After that he arrives the toy shop. Then he sees a mouth which is big. It is SG. MB find the part. It is in the toy shop and MB takes something.

When MB is finding the part, a blue car hits MB’s car and then drives into the big trash can. And then MB sees a red light which is big. Then he looks again. After that he arrives at the toy shop. Then he sees a mouth which is big and It is the SG. MB finds the part which is in the toy shop and MB takes something.

Speaking exercise

MB goes home and gets his camera and then he wants to see the security guard’s photograph so the SG is very happy. MB says let’s take a photograph and then he takes many photographs with the SG, and then the SG moves on the road so then MB open the toy shop’s door. He takes the part and the SG jumps off the road and the car is hits the big truck.

MB goes home and gets his camera and then he wants to take the part so he takes some photos of the security guard so the SG is very happy but MB is tricking him. MB says let’s take a photograph and then he takes many photographs of the SG, and then the SG moves onto the road so then MB opens the toy shop’s door. He takes the part and the SG jumps off the road and the car is hits the big truck.