Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

adults – da ren / cheng ren
eg. Kimi is a child, not an adult.

My mum makes me go to school

I use a cup to drink water


milk tea – nai cha

we shower because it is comfortable and it can make us very warm and clean

clean – gan jing / xi
eg. My body is clean
eg2. I clean my body

how do you say ___ in English?

cry – ku

on fire – huo
eg. his plane is on fire

hurt – teng
eg. MB’s tooth hurts!! My tooth does not hurt.

popcorn – bao mi hua

mirror – jing zi


Yes I ate fruit

No I don’t eat pizza

My mum makes me go to school

MB is sleeping and he gets up and he sees Teddy and he is happy.