Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review



chips / french fries
eg. I eat french fries at home and I like french fries with tomato sauce


the girl was in toy shop and MB throws her teddy

MB wants the policeman to go out 

eg. he wants to trick the policeman


take a photo – pai zhao 

he picks up the piece

MB gets in his car and drives away 

MB will make the plane / MB will put the piece on the plane

The book is about the plane
MB reads a book about the plane

the plane is next to MB

Tomorrow MB will go to the park and play with the remote control plane with the boy and MB wants to hit the boy’s remote control plane

Teddy is flying the plane = Teddy is the pilot 

The boy’s plane goes into the water because the boy’s plane crashed

eg. MB is in the bushes and he is flying the remote control plane to hit the boy’s plane

I will do my homework and then I will play and then I will go to sleep

batteries – dian chi