Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

I am late 

the water is warm 


20 pounds

fridge – bing xiang

kitchen – chu fang

train track 

MB picks up the train track and he puts it on the floor and the train goes over MB’s body.


summer – hot
winter – cold

Mr Bean has money. It is in his piggy bank.

The children are playing and they are happy.

monitor – like a tv but for a computer

shop assistant 

customers – ke hu
eg. the customers line up because they want to buy a remote control plane and the shop assistant gives the remote control plane box to the people

Mr Bean is feels very angry because he doesn’t want to line up

there are no toy planes left!

eg. MB throws her toy because he wants to buy a remote control plane

that’s all! – finished

the policeman runs into Mr Bean and then he lies on the floor

Speaking exercise

MB takes off the train track and he is bad and MB is sees the policeman and MB is runs away and MB wants to buy the remote control plane because he wants to fly the plane and play the plane. The shop assistant is flying the remote control plane and the customers is want to buy a remote control plane, and MB is line up and MB throws the teddy bear and then he is buy a remote control plane.

MB takes off the train track and he is bad and MB is sees the policeman and MB is runs away and MB wants to buy the remote control plane because he wants to fly the plane and play with the plane. The shop assistant is flying the remote control plane and the customers is want to buy a remote control plane, and MB is line up and MB throws the teddy bear and then he is buy a remote control plane.

Mr Bean buys a plane
Mr Bean is in a toy shop
Mr Bean is bad
Mr Bean is standing in line