Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review


blunt – a knife is sharp but a spoon is blunt

he rolls up his sleeves 

tomorrow is gonna be great – tomorrow is going to be great = tomorrow will be great

remote control plane


track – the thing that the train drives on

eg. he uses his body to replace the track

security guard – bao an – “seck Q ri tee gard”

shop assistant – a man who works in a shop and helps the people in the shop
eg. the shop assistant shows the remote control plane to the customers

customers – ke ren

stand in line / line up
eg. the people are standing in line because they want to buy the remote control play

Speaking exercise

He goes to the toyshop and he sees lot of children and toy. Suddenly he sees a train. Train is very long and MB take a track and he uses his body to replace the track and security guard sees MB and he feel angry.