Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Sunboy yawns: 5

What are you up to? = What are you doing?

Needs more review

lid – the top of a bottle



missile launcher / rocket launcher 

eg. Sunboy has a mech with many missile launchers

War Robots 

1,700,000 = 1 point 7 million / 1 million, 700 thousand

50 = 50
100 = 1 hundred
105 = 1 hunded and 5
150 = 1 hundred and 50

1000 = 1 thousand
10,000 = 10 thousand
100,000 = 100 thousand

1500 = 1 thousand 500
1050 = 1 thousand and 50

1550 = 1 thousand 500 and 50

100,500 = 100 thousand 500
105,000 = 100 and 5 thousand
150,000 = 100 and 50 thousand

1,000,000 = 1 million
1,500,000 = 1 million 500 thousand / 1.5 million

infinity = 8 on the side

toilet paper – paper we use on the toilet

tissue – zhi jing