Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [39]

Needs more review

lid – the top of a bottle

delete – qu xiao


sandbags – the things with sand in them

soldiers – army men

flamethrower – a fire gun

handgun = pistol

missile – something we shoot like a rocket

shoot – bang bang!

RPG = rocket launcher

wait! = I want you to wait
waiting = I am waiting


the machine exploded
there was a big explosion / there was a big dog / there was a long class

pressure meter
– a thing that shows us temperature
thermo = temperature
meter = show

bicycle = cycle = go around / bi = 2
triangle = a shape with 3 sides = tri = 3


My pen which is blue is from Japan = My pen (it is blue) is from Japan

I takes him I take it 
I get it