Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Writing exercise

MB lands on a mattress with a huge plume of smoke and in the next scene / shot he climbs out of the basement using a ladder leaning on a wall beside the mattress. Then he spots the cat jumping up the stairs to the second foor and into a room with MB hot on its tail. MB rushes into a room with the cat sitting on the bed cage. He approaches the cat and nearly falls into a hole in the floor again (pity he didn’t really fall into it though.

Speaking exercise

But then the kids were waiting for MB when they heard a noise and they looked back to see a WB with the driving waving at them, then picking up his water bottle and it looks like the tomb of the building would be made in less than an hour.

Before they heard a noise the kids were waiting for MB / Having been waiting for MB, the kids heard a loud noise and were feeling nothing. Following that, they looked back to see a WB with the driver waving at them in order to tell them to get out of the way or they will be crushed by the machine and bashed by the WB. He then picked up his water bottle and proceeded to smash the building to smithereens! and it looks like the tomb of the building would be made in less than an hour.



the rods of the railing


in this shot we can see MB doing X but in the other shot we can see…

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis – 45 letters

pneumono ultra micro scopic silico volcano coniosis

1 character in Chinese has 172 strokes

lü se = lv se

lu – zou lu