Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Writing exercise

Mr Bean passed out because he was very sacrde. a few momonts later, Mr Bean didn’t pass out and he saw a dentist was useing a dentists drill to broke the super glue which was on his finger so the glue broken. Mr Bean was so happy but a horn was in his gap. he made the horn come out so his mouth whistled. the dentist took an X-Ray for Bean but he went away. the dentist said:“sit down please.” so Mr Bean sat down and it’s no problem in that pictuer. the dentist and Mr Bean saw some fake tooth.

Mr Bean passed out because he was very scared. A few moments later, Mr Bean didn’t pass out and he saw a dentist was using a dentists drill to break the super glue which was on his finger so the glue broke. Mr Bean was so happy but a horn was in his gap. He made the horn come out so his mouth whistled. The dentist took an X-Ray for Mr Bean who went / walked away. The dentist said:“sit down please.” So Mr Bean sat down and MB’s teeth were OK / the dentist thought there was no problem in the X-Ray. The dentist and Mr Bean saw some fake teeth because MB’s mouth whistled so they want to make his mouth quiet.


eg. I am comfortable with this word = this word is easy for me

eg. MB drinks the mouthwash

eg. he presses the button

Thanks for the class!

Have a good night!

Good night!


break / broke / broken
broken – adj

finish / finished / finished
finished – adj

I finish my homework every day
I finished it yesterday
I have finished it already

My homework is finished – adj

I go to the park to eat
I go to the park to ate 

I went to the park to eat
I went to the park to ate 

dentists – more than 1
dentist’s – owned by him / ta de




I go to the park. it is fun.
I go to the park. It is fun.

I = capital “i”
i = lower case “i”

My name is Jupiter
My name is jupiter

Can you make the first letter of “he” into a capital H?
The first letter of the sentence should be a capital H.