Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


the boy who is dressed up as the devil


boxing glove

press the doorbell


there is – now
there was – past

I go
he goes

I run
he run

Speaking exercise

MB makes the toffee apples to put them into the soil. The boy who is dressed up as the devil, and puts the rake under the leaves. Then the bell rings and MB sees some leaves on the ground. He wants to stand on there leaves but there is a rake. On the rake there is a boxing glove. When MB stands on it, the boxing glove hits MB so he feels very angry. MB puts the candy from the boys home to his home and he presses the doorbell and goes to his home and the boy sees the candy. He follows the candy to MB’s home. When the boy wants to go home, MB puts the JOL on his head and he can’t see anything.