Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Writing exercise

Mr Bean gives the girl ice cream and the girl gives Mr Bean money, and the girl says thank you. But the boy says ice cream please and the boy pays and Mr Bean give the boy ice cream and he says thank you and there are only three people but the ice cream machine will be empty soon.

Mr Bean gives the girl ice cream and the girl gives Mr Bean money / the girl pays Mr Bean, and the girl says thank you. But the boy says ice cream please and the boy pays and Mr Bean gives the boy ice cream and he says thank you and there are only three people but the ice cream machine will be empty soon.


What did you do tonight?

Where did you play?
I played at home 

Did you go out?
No I didn’t go out / don’t go out 

Today is Tuesday
Tomorrow will be Wednesday

I am happy
Tomorrow I will be happy

there is – 1
there are – 2+
there is only 1 cup on my head
there is so much money on the cash register
there are so many children at the ice cream car

This is a big problem! The ice cream machine will be empty soon. 

MB has so much money


easy < > hard
eg. 1+1 is easy but 12X57 is hard!

I don’t know

Can you speak Chinese?
Yes I can speak Chinese

verb – dong ci

chocolate sticks


He squeezes / He puts the strawberry topping on the ice cream

ice cream cone
eg. we put ice cream in the ice cream cone