Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [66]

Needs more review

pneumonia – fei yan – “nem mo nya”

hayfever – a problem with your nose / allergies



doppelganger – someone who is not related to you, but looks like your twin

Speaking exercise

One day, at a library possibly not too far from MB’s house, MB is looking for books in the library and the situation is teddy is refusing to take any books out and teddy is controlled by MB. Then MB sees a family tree of a lord and decides to make his own family tree and that’s probably the start of how MB thinks he’s a lord. The little, and old woman is reading a book and MB very noisily sits on the chair next to her so the little old woman points at a sign glued to the wall that says “no speaking“. MB grabs 2 posters next to the family tree and began crossing out and rewriting things but i noticed that the little old lady that’s sitting in the chair next to him is peeking at MB’s work when he isn’t looking. Then the old lady moves her chair next to MB’s and shows him a picture of a lord bean’s family and the person on the bottom looks almost like MB and it is his doppelganger when he is young.