Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [46.5]


van gogh – “van go” 

monet – “mon ay” 

cafe – “kaf ay” 


my friend give me a ticket, the ticket is for Jay – my friend gave me a ticket which is for Jay’s exhibition

not too much topics – not too many topics


sector – industry – field

he collected many pieces of art 

art gallery (just art usually) / exhibition (anything)

he likes art by impressionist painters

Speaking exercise

At first, when i was a child i just dont care about what’s art and what’s the painting. I just like to watch cartoon and animation drama and then i like to paint the animation characters on the paper and my uncle, he saw my drawings and talked to my mum and my dad say maybe i have some talent on painting and then i just know that but i didn’t focus on it because i don’t want to spend much time on learning drawing. I just don’t like to learn something. But when I was on high school and I thought maybe my study is not so good and then my drawing teacher told me I have another choice to learn painting and to go to art school so then I choose to learn how to drawing on high school.

At first, when i was a child i just didn’t care about what art was / is and what the painting was / is. I just liked to watch cartoons and animated movies / shows and then i started to like to paint the animated characters on the paper and my uncle, he saw my drawings and told to my mum and my dad that maybe i have some talent in / for painting and then i just realised that I was good at it, but i didn’t focus on it because i didn’t want to spend much time on learning drawing / learning how to draw. I just didn’t like to learn something / I didn’t like learning things in my childhood. But when I was on high school and I thought maybe my study is not so good and then my drawing teacher told me I have another choice to learn painting and to go to art school so then I choose to learn how to drawing on high school.