Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

take off – go up
eg. the plane takes off and flies to Beijing

seatbelt – an quan dai

screen – the thing like a TV that MB sees in the rocket on

I don’t know whether you are sick.
I don’t know whether your mum is at home
I ask you if your mum is at work or not = I ask you whether your mum is at work

sunrise (go up) < > sunset (go down)
eg. the sun rises in the morning and the sun sets in the evening


belt – pi dai
eg. MB puts on a belt before he goes outside

thermometer – a thing to check how hot or cold you are

I have a bad cough

I have a headache – tou teng

vampire – a monster that drinks blood


Where is the boy?
I don’t know where the boy is.

Where are you?
I don’t know where you are.

Where are they?
I don’t know where they are.

Speaking exercise

MB goes out of the museum and he can’t see the boy because the boy is go away, so MB cannot find him and he asks Teddy whether Teddy knows where the boy is. And Teddy doesn’t know where the boy is too and MB are very sad and he go to the car and the car turn on and go to home. And the bus which the boy is on suddenly a blimp carrying a camera fly out of the bus and the boy are on the camera and the boy have a video for him are showing on the camera and the blimp take the camera fly back to the bus and the sun sets and the bus go away.