Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


machete – a big knife

apartment complex – xiao qu



attic – a room above your house


the class overwhen the class is over / when the class is finished 

Speaking exercise

MW comes into her kitchen and she follows the crumbs which is on the floor and go to MB’s room but MB is in the attic so MW is very angry because she can’t find MB. He sees a box which is MB’s box and he sees a bag and in the bag there is a panda head. Then, he thinks about one day he goes into the park and he sees 2 boys are play football and then 2 boys want to takes the panda and the teddy so 2 boys pull Teddy and Panda.

MW comes into her kitchen and she follows the crumbs which are on the floor and goes to MB’s room but he is in the attic so she is very angry because she can’t find him. He sees a box which is his box and he sees a bag and in the bag there is a panda‘s / panda head. Then, he thinks about one day when he goes into the park and he sees 2 boys are playing football and then they want to take the panda and the teddy so they pull Teddy and Panda.