Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


we have to stay inside because of COVID

I lost him


knocks on the door




he hides behind the garbage bin

Speaking exercise

Then MB go to his home. The ice cream man drive the ice cream car to MB’s house. He follows the ice cream drops to MB’s home. He gives 3 ice creams to MB’s girlfriend. MB is cleaning the floor. MB’s girlfriend knocks on the door but MB is hiding because he thinks it’s the ice cream man. She go away and MB is relieved, and then the girlfriend gives a old woman an ice cream and MB open the window. He call to the girlfriend but the girlfriend do not give him an ice cream. The ice cream man drive his car back to the factory. MB needs to chase the ice cream man but it is not possible / it is impossible.

Then MB goes to his home and the ice cream man drives the ice cream car to MB’s house,  so he follows the ice cream drops to MB’s home. He gives 3 ice creams to MB’s girlfriend. When MB is cleaning the floor, MB’s girlfriend knocks on the door but he is hiding because he thinks it’s the ice cream man. She goes away and MB is relieved, and then the girlfriend gives a old woman an ice cream and MB opens the window. He calls to the girlfriend but the girlfriend does not give him the / MB’s ice cream. The ice cream man drives his car back to the factory. MB needs to chase the ice cream man but it is not possible / it is impossible.