Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [23 hours]


take out the magazine

the sight

the scope

I reload the gun – take out the empty magazine and put a new one in

I aim down the sights at Jesse

shooting mode 

semi automatic – each time you pull the trigger, 1 bullet comes out
fully automatic – you pull the trigger once and lots of bullets come out

eg. I turn the safety on = can’t shoot

riot helmet 

life raft – not die boat

parachute – jiang luo san

the phone sinks – goes under water

the phone is destroyed / broken


I have lived in China twice in my life

I lived in China

I have taught Jack for 2 years

(teach / taught / taught)

Have you traveled to Japan? Yes I have traveled to Japan

How long has the bug been flying in your room? The bug has been flying in my room for 10 minutes

How long have you been staying in Japan?