Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [25]


Try to start sentences with words other than he / MB

Writing exercise

MB puts his finger in his mouth and it stops whistling but if he takes his finger out it starts whistling again so he’s quite angry. He goes to his room, turns on the light and tries to use glue to stick his tooth in his mouth. However, it sticks on his finger. He shakes his hand and tries to pull it out but these ways aren’t very useful. He goes to his store room and tries to find something that he can use. He finds something that is very strange like puzzle, lego, that sort of thing. Finally he finds a triceratops and tries to use a saw to cut his horn down.

MB puts his finger in his mouth and it stops whistling but if he takes his finger out it starts whistling again so he’s quite angry. He goes to his room, turns on the light and tries to use glue to stick his tooth in his mouth. However, it sticks on his finger. He shakes his hand and tries to pull it out but these ways aren’t very useful. He goes to his store room and tries to find something that he can use. He finds something that is very strange like a (jig saw) puzzle piece, lego, that sort of thing. Finally he finds a triceratops and tries to use a saw to cut his horn off.


MB has a gap in his teeth which makes a whistling sound when he breathes

fall down / fall over 

fang – a sharp type of tooth

assistant / nurse


clothes – cloethzzz