Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [16]

Speaking exercise

Today i don’t go to the drawing class because the class is no have, and i eat lunch outside. I eat noodles. It’s yummy. And then I back home, sleeping 20 minutes andar I have a piano class. It has 45 minutes and then I go to buy one ice cream and 2 milk and I see you. After class, I do homework and I eat dinner outside and back home sleeping.

Today i didn’t go to the drawing class because there is / was no class today. and I ate lunch outside and I ate / had noodles which was yummy. And then I walked back home, and I slept for 20 minutes. Then I had a piano class which was 45 minutes and then I went to buy one ice cream and 2 bottles of milk and I see you. After class, I will do homework and I will eat dinner outside and I will sleep at home / I will go back home to sleep.


which = and it
eg. I have a pen and it is black. = I have a pen which is black.
who = and she / and he / and they
eg. I have a friend and she is funny = I have a friend who is funny.

Our class is 30 minutes
We have class for 30 minutes

do – did
don’t – didn’t
is – was
am – was
sleep – slept
go – went

there is a cup on the table
there are many cars outside

how do you feel?


chewing gum – kou xiang tang