Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [10 hours]

Writing exercise

MB is running at the ice cream truck as it is hot. He is happy and he looks at the menu. He chooses an ice cream and the man make an ice cream.

MB is running at the ice cream truck as it is hot. He is happy and he looks at the menu. A boy was lining up because he wants an ice cream. He chooses an ice cream and the ice cream man makes it / the ice cream.


line up / stand in line – pai dui
eg. the little boy is lining up because MB is the first customer

chocolate covered ice cream

hurry up!!!- kuai yi dian!!

strawberry topping

chocolate stick

will be gone – mei you le!


annoyed / annoying
bored / boring
tired / tiring

put his hands on his hips

Speaking exercise

He uses the ice cream machine to make it and he adds the strawberry topping then he puts a chocolate stick in the ice cream. Then MB needs to pay for the ice cream but he doesn’t have any money so the ICM gives the little boy it. MB is angry because the ICM didn’t give him the ice cream. He runs into his home and he gets the money then he runs into the park because he wants the ice cream. He find a long line and he run to the ice cream truck and he said give me a ice cream but the ice cream man said get to the back of the line, and wait your turn so MB is angry and annoyed