Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [45]


I did well on Chinese – I did well in Chinese
I did well on that test / in that test


suntan – when your skin becomes a little brown from the sun

Writing exercise

MB moves his chair out of the shadow of the camper and finds he is still in the shade becuase a man that is as big as MB’s car had come out of the top of the camper. (Fact: fat people are fat). (Tip: do not stand under any falling person especially fat ones). (Repeat: do not stand under any falling person especially fat ones). MB moves out the shade but the fat man just rises higher, so MB drives his car to the boulder side and puts his chair on his car.

MB moves his chair out of the shadow of the camper and finds he / with him finding he is still in the shade because / as / since a man that is as big as MB’s car had come out of the top of the camper. (Fact: fat people are fat). (Tip: do not stand under any falling person especially fat ones). (Repeat: do not stand under any falling person especially fat ones). MB moves out the shade but / however the fat man just rises higher, so MB drives his car to the boulder side and puts his chair on his car / boulder side, putting his chair on his car.