Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


stilts – long pieces of wood we stand on

man – old boy
woman – old girl
human – man, woman, girl, boy, baby…
adult – someone over 18 years old
child – someone under 18 years old

My birthday is on July 1st (first)


I went shopping and I bought some clothes = 1 pair of pants / 1 hat

I make you do sth
He makes himself do sth

Where are the 2 bullies?

I know what your name is.
I know where you are. 

He goes to the place where the 2 bullies are.

Speaking exercise

and / but / so / because / when / which / who / as / since

MB is very angry so he goes back home. He looks in the closet and he sees a big clothes so he takes it because he wants to make him looks like a human so then he can take the teddy back. He goes into his room and he tries with the stilts and he thinks it’s good so he puts gloves on the sticks because he wants to pretend a human. He goes to the place where are the 2 bullies who are playing the cat so he goes to the 2 bullies and the 2 bullies sees him so they are very scared and MB means he wants the teddy so they give the teddy to him

MB is very angry so he goes back home. He looks in the closet and he sees some big clothes so he takes them because he wants to make himself look like a man / adult so then he can take the teddy back. He goes into his room and he tries with the stilts and he thinks they are good so he puts gloves on the sticks because / as he wants to pretend he is / pretend to be a man. He goes to the place where the 2 bullies are who are playing with the cat so he goes to the 2 bullies and the 2 bullies see him so they are very scared and MB shows them he wants the teddy so they give the teddy to him