Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Writing exercise

So MB, finally climbs out of his car and shouts at the crab BOO!! X 1 billion and with the crab scuttlesing away to the edge of the beach. MB, not satisfied, walks to the crab and points at the sea and with the crab jumpsing into the water. Then he begins making his sandcastle. When he finally finishes the castle ,with he putting a flag on it, probably made by himself, because it was so dumb and stupid and not like teddy and then with he putting a number 1 ribbon on the topmost / highest / uppermost tower of the castle, puts on his sunglasses (fact: sunglasses are cool and black), and with he putsting on Teddy’s sunglasses too (fact: these sunglasses are much smaller than MB and with it looking stupid for a toy bear to wear sunglasses and sitting in a chair sunbathing). And witgMB is having a sip of lemonade andwith he giving a smaller cup to Teddy too (fact: it looks stupid for a toy bear to drink any kind of water or eat any kind of food, even poop and urine but I’ve seen a few times for Bear Grillis to drink his own urine. I would be 1000 years old before I do it).

So MB, finally climbs out of his car and shouts at the crab BOO!! X 1 billion and with the crab scuttling away to the edge of the beach. MB, not satisfied, walks to the crab and points at the sea and with the crab jumping into the water. Then he begins making his sandcastle. When he finally finishes the castle ,he puts a flag on it, probably making it by himself, because it was so dumb and stupid and not like teddy and then with him putting a number 1 ribbon on the topmost / highest / uppermost tower of the castle, puts on his sunglasses (fact: sunglasses are cool and black), and with him putting on Teddy’s sunglasses too (fact: these sunglasses are much smaller than MB and with it looking stupid for a toy bear to wear sunglasses and sitting in a chair sunbathing). And with MB is having a sip of lemonade and with him giving a smaller cup to Teddy too (fact: it looks stupid for a toy bear to drink any kind of water or eat any kind of food, even poop and urine but I’ve seen a few times for Bear Grillis to drink his own urine. I would be 1000 years old before I do it).


I go to the park with him
I go to the park with him walking next to me

he has been sting by a bee – he has been stung by a bee


suncream / sunscreen / sunblock

the shade 




lasso – “las soo

Speaking exercise

with ___ doing / being

He threw a grape into the air and caught it into his mouth then he said to teddy these grapes are great! hey that rhymes! Then MB puts on his earphones and listens to some music or something else with him squeezing some sunscreen onto his tummy or torso / upper body. MB suddenly finds some shade that is blocking out the sun with him turning around to see a white camper beside him and MB’s car looks small enough for teddy to drive it if teddy can drive cars and has a licence and knows the rules of the road and can directly look at traffic lights.