Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


Past tense – when talking.

Needs more review

They wanted to take MB’s dolls but when they pulled, they ripped pandas head. Next, the boys threw panda’s body in the pond and they took the teddy away so MB felt really angry


stilts – long pieces of wood that make you taller

the score is 1-1 = a tie (n)
MB ties (v) his shoes
MB wears a tie (n)

Speaking exercise

MB pushed a chair and opened the gate. Then he taked a long clothes and he used a stilts to make like a big person and he putted a gloves on the top of the sticks / pieces of wood. The boy caught a cat and they put it in the bag. Then they use rope to tie it closed because they want to throw the cat in the river but MB came to the river. He open his hand and there was a picture of teddy on the glove so the boy the teddy back to MB because they’re scared.

MB pushed a chair and opened the gate. Then he took some long clothes and he used some stilts to make himself like a big person and he put the / some gloves on the top of the sticks / pieces of wood. The boy caught a cat and they put it in the bag. Then they use rope to tie it closed because they want to throw the cat in the river but MB came to the river. He opened his hand and there was a picture of teddy on the glove so the boy gave the teddy back to MB because they’re scared.


push / pushed / pushed
take / took / taken
put / put / put
catch / caught / caught
think / thought / thought
give / gave / given