Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

shaver / razor
eg. MB uses a razor / shaver to cut his beard
eg2. my dad uses a shaver to shave

dictionary – zi dian

deaf – someone who can’t hear

I am mean = not nice
mean you are good = yi si
The mean age of my class is 6 years old = average

Mean” has so many meanings.. do you know what I mean? I don’t want to be mean!


light bulb

tossing and turning – you’re rolling around in bed because you can’t sleep

wanted poster

bathrobe / robe


my mum waked up me – my mum woke me up

I woke you / him / her / them / us / it / Jesse up
I woke up you 

I woke MB up
I woke up MB


When MB was shaving, he shaved to his nose and it hurt a lot so he cut the shaver off and saw a gigantic hair. Meanwhile, the prisoner went to his bed and saw MB’s clothes so he changed his clothes to MB’s clothes

Speaking exercise

He went to the door and opened the door. Meanwhile the prisoner turning off the light bulb, and MB in and he turned on the light but he could not turn on the light because there was no light bulb. So MB changed his clothes but he did not notice that it was the P clothes. He went to his bed but he was tossing and turning around because there was something that was bumpy in his bed. Finally he threw his blankets and saw a bumpy thing and he pushed and pushed and pushed and punched it until the bumpy thing was gone.