Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Today we focused on:

which / who

and then / next / following that / after that 

I see a man in the park sleeping
I see a man sleeping in the park

Speaking exercise

The prisoner runs away with yelling because he never wants to stay with MW. Meanwhile in MB’s cell, MB is looking TV and he hears some sound. He didn’t know what it is so he still looks his TV which takes from the 2 men’s room, and then he sees a little door in the wall is opened and the prisoner who wears MB’s clothes comes in. MB sees he takes a paper which is the policeman’s wanted poster out so MB is a bit angry because the man who is on the (wanted) poster is not him. Then they watch TV and eats the kitchen together. When MB will escape, they shakes their hand and then MB escapes, but then MB hears a sound and he knows the policeman knows he escapes so he runs away likes the prisoner when he escapes.

The prisoner runs away with yelling because he never wants to stay with MW. Meanwhile in MB’s cell, he is watching TV and he hears some sound. He doesn’t know what it is so he still watches his TV which he takes from the 2 men’s room, and then he sees a little door in the wall is opened and the prisoner who wears MB’s clothes comes in. MB sees he takes a page / piece of paper which is the policeman’s wanted poster out so MB is a bit angry because the man who is on the (wanted) poster is not him. Then they watch TV and eat the chicken together. When MB will escape, they shake hands and then MB escapes, but then MB hears a sound and he knows the policeman knows he escapes so he runs away like the prisoner when he escapes.